SPAN 2 EXAM 1 Wednesday October 2, 2019

CH5B_Span2- to review for test

The link above contains the powerpoint. Please review for test .

The first exam will be on Wednesday 10/2/2019.

The exam will cover the following:


  • Vocabulary  p.244
  • tener expressions ( see handout given in class)
  • Possessive adjectives


  • Vocabulary p.268
  • verbs ser & estar ( know their forms and each of their uses, be able to differentiate when to use which one)
  • Location words to use with  the verb estar ( see handout given in class)
  • En el restaurante: be familiar with the types of questions to ask from the time the guest enters a restaurant  ( the waiter/waitress introduces himself/herself , welcomes them to the restaurant, asks what they would like to drink/eat, etc.) up until the guests leave the restaurant and exchange farewells. Reference the following pages in the textbook: p.250 ( en el restaurante Casa Río ), p.254 activity 8