(261) INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY .5 credit College Prep GRADE 11-12 Introduction to psychology is a one-semester course that examines an individual’s experiences and behavior and his/her relationship to the behavior of others. Psychology attempts to answer the why of behavior and forces us to examine self. Emphasis will be on the following topics: Learning, Personality, Intelligence, Biological influences on behavior, as well as our senses.

Grading—Factors determining the grade will be as follows:


Quizzes/Essays: 50 Points


Homework: 10 Points Each


Assigned Work, Tests, Quizzes—


– Full credit will be given for assignments turned in on time.


– Half credit will be given for assignments turned in one day late. Students with excused absences will be given one day for each day they are absent up to 5 days. Example: if a student is absent one day, the assignment is due the day they return. If a student is absent a week, they have one week to turn in all missed assignments.


– No assignments will be accepted late after two days.


– Any assignments, tests, or quizzes missed due to an unexcused absence will not be made up.


-A large portion of this class will include class discussion.  It is expected that every student will share and participate in these class discussions.


– Students are responsible for collecting all work missed due to an excused absence.


– There are no make-up quizzes.  If a student missed a quiz due to an excused absence the quiz may not be made up. An alternate book assignment, equal in points, will be given and is due the day following the students return.


– Make-Up Tests.  If a student misses a test due to an excused absence the test will be made up after school or during a non-academic period. No additional class time will be missed to make up a test.


Notebook— The notebook should be a plain (any color will be fine), 2”, 3-ring binder. Every day you are to bring your PSE notebook to class.

Please see class schedule, assignments and test dates at the following link-




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Tests / Quizzes

No upcoming tests or quizzes.

See all Exams


No homework due.

See all Homework