Journal Entry The Last Supper

In this weeks journal we will be writing about the Last Supper

Luke 22

1. Why is it significant that the Last Supper takes place during Passover?
2. Why is it significant that Jesus is betrayed by a friend?
3. Jesus directs his disciples to meet a man carrying a jar of water.  What does the man do?
4. Jesus says in Luke 22:18 that he will not drink of the “from the fruit of the vine” until the Kingdom of God comes.  Do you remember when he next drinks from the “fruit of the vine”?
5. In Luke 22:24-30 Jesus makes remarks about greatness and leadership.  What does he say?  What do you think he means?
6. Jesus tells his disciples to sell their cloaks and to get swords. What do you think he means?
7. What does Jesus pray for in Luke 22:39-45? What happens when he prays? What does he tell his disciple to pray for?
8.What happens when Jesus is arrested? What does he say to the soldiers?
9.Why does Peter deny that he knows Jesus?
10. What does Jesus say when he is questioned by the Sadducees and the Pharisees?