ENV SCI- Environmental Science, PER 3-6-8: Article/Paper

Students are to have Climatogram Lab diagrams and NTBK CK 6.3 completed at this time.

Students were assigned the task of reading an anthrome article and writing a 1-2 P position paper. The final paper must be typed and submitted in MLA format. The paper should include 3 supporting evidences and references to the position taken by the student.

TOPIC: Are anthropogenic biomes obsolete?

Address whether or not we should maintain our current system of biome identification and naming.

Should we..
-keep traditional biomes
-move to anthormes
-design a system that incorporates both
-propose a whole different system

State your position. Support it with three evidence. Write a conclusion. Include citations.

The paper is DUE on TUE 2/12 or if snow day or snow delayed – the day you return to school.