Wed, Dec 12th – Fri, Dec. 14th

Wed, Dec. 12th:

Today was the beginning of Minor C.

Students filled out a sheet about tackling the fears of public speaking. Students were also told a brief background of what the course is going to entail and what is expected of them.

Following that, the students went around and introduced themselves to their classmates.


Thurs, Dec. 13th:

Today, the students watched a Ted Talk about having confidence while presenting a speech in front of an audience.

While Watching the Ted Talk, students answered questions.

Following the completion of the assignment, the students turned in their papers for a grade.


Fri, Dec. 14th

Today, the students watched another Ted Talk about speaking with confidence but also how to tackle fears of public speaking.

While Watching the Ted Talk, students answered questions.

Following the completion of the assignment, the students turned in their papers for a grade.