TWIC: 3/9-13/2020

Monday (B) & Tuesday (A): Let the speeches begin! All students must be prepared to deliver their speeches on any class day from now until we are done. Unprepared students will lose 5 points from their speech delivery grade for each day that they are unprepared. I will assign students each day for the next class; however, if one of those students is absent, any student can be called upon. We cannot simply skip a day, as all speeches must be completed by 3/30 – the end of the marking period.

We also be continuing on our American Literature journey beginning Monday with an introduction to negro spirituals and slave narratives. Please look to the previous announcement for videos to watch. We will be disecting the codes found in negro spiritual, discuss the reasons they were necessary and how slaves got away with it! We will be taking a quiz on this next week, so be meticulous with your notes!

Wednesday-Friday, we will continue with the above.

Loch Ness Monster Vocabulary: Exercise 1 due 3/6 & 9, Exercise 2 due 3/10 & 11, Exercises 3 & 4 due 3/12 & 13.