TWIC: 3/2-6/2020

Monday (A): We will be formatting, step-by-step, the essay version of the persuasive speeches. Please refer to last week’s announcement regarding Purdue OWL links for all the information you need to properly format the essay, the Works Cited page, and in-text citations (both verbal and parenthetical). Use the resources given, and be sure to ask me any questions you may have. The bulk of your grade on the written essay will be based on correct formatting, citations, essay structur, and grammar/spelling, etc.

***Vocab exercise 3&4 due in class today – QUIZ on Wed.

Tuesday (B): Review of formatting, and initial submission to for the essay. We will then move back over to “The Devil and Tom Walker” to complete the chart.

***Vocab exercise 3&4 due in class today – QUIZ on Thursday.


  1. Vocab Quiz2.
  2. final submissions to
  3. First speeches delivered
  4. Complete “The Devil and Tom Walker” chart and hand it in.

Friday/Monday: Speeches. Introduction to Negro Spirituals & Slave Narratives (pgs. 344-357). Videos to watch:

  1.  PBS documentary
  2. history code of negro spirituals