Study Skills

Week of October 14

What’s your plan after high school?

College, trade school, service work, work force?

think about it and write a few sentences down and so we can work toward that goal

reviewing for quiz

Quiz on October 24

30 points

-latin and greek prefixes, suffixes, root words

-easily confused words(affect/effect) etc

-vocab ( only 5 or 6 on quiz but not saying which ones!!)

Abjure: to formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief 

Antebellum- belonging to a period before war

auspicious – indicating favorable circumstances/good luck

Belie- be in contradiction with 

Bellicose- having or showing a ready disposition to fight 

Chicanery-  use of tricks to deceive someone

Churlish- having a bad disposition(temperament)

Circumnavigate- travel completely around something 

Cynical-believing that people are motivated by self interest 

Deciduous- shedding foliage at the end of the growing season