March 21, 2020 Update

¡Buenos días, estudiantes!

Thank you to the many students who got busy yesterday finishing up any missing 3rd quarter assignments, and joining your class on Remind and Duolingo!  Keep those pictures coming of any completed assignments that either show  “missing” or “no grade” on your grade portal. Remember that if an assignment was due on Thursday or Friday, 3/14-3/15, and is posted on the grade portal, then you are responsible for sending it to me. ¡Muchas gracias!

If you have not joined Remind and Duolingo, please take care of this asap. Please make sure to use both first and last names in your profile under “NAME.”

If you have already joined Remind and Duolingo, please edit your profile “NAME” if necessary. Your “NAME” must include both your first and last names. I need to be able to quickly identify my students, and many of you have first names that others share as well! Thank you so much for taking care of this as soon as possible!

Have a super Saturday, and if you are feeling a little wintry with the chilly temperatures today, you can check out “We Need a Little Christmas” Movie Marathon on the Hallmark Channel! That is, after you are done with your Spanish work! “JA JA”  🙂  ~ Sra. A.