Health and Wellness Week of March 9th to the 13th for both A Day and B Day Students

Monday, March 9th – B Day Students

  • Lecture:
    • introduce new chapter to students – The Reproductive System
    • handout homework packets to be completed by Reproductive System Test
    • begin discussion on the role of the male reproductive system
      • identify the main organs and accessory glands that comprise the male reproductive system
      • discuss the function of each of the main organs and diseases that may affect the male’s reproductive organs
      • discuss briefly the parts of a sperm and it’s role in reproduction
  • Classwork:
    • Students will break into groups and work on reproductive packet on the male reproductive system
    • Students will also be given a anatomical coloring sheet to use for identification of parts

Tuesday, March 10th – A Day Students

  • Open notebook quiz on the digestive system (first half hour of class)
  • Lecture:
    • introduce new chapter to students – The Reproductive System
    • handout homework packets to be completed by Reproductive System Test
    • begin discussion on the role of the male reproductive system
      • identify the main organs and accessory glands that comprise the male reproductive system
      • discuss the function of each of the main organs and diseases that may affect the male’s reproductive organs
      • discuss briefly the parts of a sperm and it’s role in reproduction
  • If time allows students will work in groups on male reproductive review sheets

Wednesday, March 11th – B Day Students

  • Review the male reproductive organs and functions with students
  • Lecture:
    • begin discussion on the female reproductive system
      • identify the main organs and accessory glands that comprise the female reproductive system
      • discuss the function of each of the main organs and disease that may affect the female’s reproductive organs
      • discuss the maturation of an ovum with the students
      • discuss menstruation  cycle
  • Classwork:
    • Students will break into groups and work on the reproductive packet on the female reproductive system
    • Students will also work on the anatomical coloring sheet to use for identification of parts

Thursday, March 12th – A Day Students

  • Review the male reproductive organs and functions with students
  • Lecture:
    • begin discussion on the female reproductive system
      • identify the main organs and accessory glands that comprise the female reproductive system
      • discuss the function of each of the main organs and disease that may affect the female’s reproductive organs
      • discuss the maturation of an ovum with the students
      • discuss menstruation  cycle
  • Classwork:
    • Students will break into groups and work on the reproductive packet on the female reproductive system
    • Students will also work on the anatomical coloring sheet to use for identification of parts

Friday, March 13th – B Day Students

  • Review female reproductive organs and functions
  • Review the menstrual cycle
  • Lecture:
    • begin discussion on the following STDs:
      • gonorrhea
      • syphillis
      • CMV
      • Herpes 1 and 2
      • Genital Warts
      • HIV
  • Classwork:
    • Students will work in groups on STD worksheets