GEN BIO- 3B: 1/27- 1/31

Students will finish CH 10.1- 10.3 with focus on cell growth, division and reproduction. Limits to cell size (in particular surface-to-volume ratios) will be explored. Students will compare/contrast asexual vs sexual reproduction(P 277) and prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cell cycles (P 280-281). We will end the week with CH 10.3. There will be a NTBK Ck on CH 10.1-10.2 to include vocabulary and objective questions (due by FRI 1/31). Curriculum supplants include PPT, video and WS packets(2). We will begin CH 10.3 (Cell regulation) by week’s end and complete an assessment on the content covered. Students will extend the lesson by completing a case study on fluorescence used in microscopy and its benefits.