tHE FUTUR PROCHE OR NEAR FUTURE’S EQUIVAKENT IN ENGLISH IS= GOING TO.  I am going to drink, she is going to do the dishes, etc.


In order to form the Futur Proche you need a ‘Helping” verb (verbe auxilliaire) . You CAN NOT  achieve the futur proche without that helping verb.  The helping verb is ALLER. The conjugated form of ALLER -conjugated according to the subject- is inserted in the sentence right after the subject. The intitial verb in the sentence MUST revert back to the INFINITIVE- we call that the 9/10 rule which specifies that if two verbs follow each other in the same clause, one is conjugated accoding to the subject and the second reverts or is kept in the infinitive.  

For example : tu manges une pomme ( you eat an apple); to move to the future we need ALLER, conjugated in the 2nd person sing., or vas; Manges reverts back to the infinitive or MANGER.  So the same sentence in the future is: tu vas manger une pomme.

ex. #2: nous partons en voyage. ALLER, conjugated in the 1st person plural is allons, PArtons in the infinitive is PARTIR. The same sentence in the future becomes: nous allons partir en voyage.