AG SCI, 2A: WK 2/10-2/14

We will complete instruction on CH 2 and will complete a test on TH 2/13. Students will submit fold notes for review on TUE 2/11. Group work will include current article analysis/sharing. Project work consists of a compare/contrast poster on two plant families. Research and planning will take place on TUE 2/10 and THU 2/14: assembly will occur after the test on THU 2/13. Plant family information is accessible from the text (P20) or the internet. Poster must include the following research components(for each family) in addition to pictures and 3-D elements per assignment directives:
a. Plant and Family name(common and scientific)
b. Habit/Biome(identify as herb, shrub or tree)
c. Life Cycle(identify as annual, biennial, perennial)
d. Adaptive Structures(differentiate stem, root, leaf
e. Floral arrangement
f. Purpose-ornamental, medical, economic, etc..

The following are past due and will not be accepted after 2/14: CH 2 questions (1-23); fold notes, article. Late deductions will apply.