Planet HS Paperwork
The Spring Sports season is scheduled to begin on Monday, March 3, 2025. The following Spring Sports are: Baseball (Junior High also offered), Softball (Junior High also offered), Boys Tennis, Boys Volleyball, Track and Field, and Boys and Girls Lacrosse (at Moravian Academy).
A sports physical form (CIPPE Form) must be completed before your child can participate in any athletic program at Notre Dame High School. Please note – if the athlete does not have all required documentation submitted, they will not be permitted to tryout.
The Athletic Department is utilizing to allow parents and athletes to access and manage all required forms and paperwork. All required paperwork can be accessed through your online portal. ALL forms must be updated/completed/uploaded and submitted online through your PlanetHS account.
Once you have completed PlanetHS account set-up, to access the forms, select the “Athletic Forms” tab, then click on the link “Example forms, click here.”
Anyone that currently has a PlanetHS account DOES NOT need to create a new one. Please just update your account to the current 2024-2025 school year.
Any physical exam performed after June 1, 2024, is acceptable. However, the only acceptable documentation of this exam must be on the PIAA Physical Exam Form (Section 6).
If an athlete played a fall/winter sport…
Complete the following:
– Section 7: Spring Recertification by Parent/Guardian (Fall/Winter) and/or
– Section 8: Recertification by Licensed Physician of Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine (needed only if athlete was a doctor for any injury during fall/winter season)
If an athlete did not play a fall/winter sport…
Complete the following:
– PIAA CIPPE Form: Sections 1 through 6
– Permission to Treat Form
– Athletic Code Acknowledgment Form
– Emergency Card
– St. Luke’s HIPAA Form
– Impact Testing
Please adhere to the above instructions. If there are any questions, please contact our athletic trainers Ali Kibler or Jen Pugliese. Their contact information can be found under the “Athletics Staff Directory” tab.