Each year, Notre Dame offers several scholarships and internships to our students thanks to the support and generosity of our loyal Notre Dame benefactors, Foundations, and the local business community.  Scholarship opportunities are available for Freshmen, returning ND students, and graduating Seniors.  The updated scholarship list is posted here during February.  Deadlines vary depending on the scholarship criteria and guidelines.  All scholarship applications for scholarships listed on this page are processed through the Notre Dame High School Development office.  If further information is needed, please email Kelly Weber at kweber@ndcrusaders.org.

Want to Establish a Scholarship?

Individuals and businesses wishing to establish scholarships or internships are encouraged to contact Kelly Weber at kweber@ndcrusaders.org to schedule an appointment to discuss guidelines.  We appreciate the generosity of our donors and every effort is made to match the wishes of the donor with the needs of our school and our students.

How to Apply for a Scholarship

To begin the process, choose which scholarship(s) you would like to apply for:

2025-2026 Complete Scholarship Offerings

Complete these forms, if applicable (as outlined on the offerings list):

2025-2026 Student Scholarship-Reference-Form

2025-2026 Scholarship Personal Data Form