Student Life

Student life at Notre Dame High School is exciting and rigorous, bringing together various student interests through extra-curricular clubs, faith development activities and retreats led by our Campus ministry team, and numerous leadership training opportunities throughout the year.  Such activities and events enable students to form genuine friendships and make special memories that last well beyond the four years of high school.

Our school clubs foster curiosity, knowledge, and commitment to various topics and interest areas. Whether it’s a seasonal activity or a year -long club, extracurricular involvement provides excellent leadership opportunities for our students and reminds us that the learning environment extends beyond the classroom.

We challenge our students and the entire school community to be socially responsive, respectful, and Christ-like people, who embrace a commitment to serving others with compassion. Our Campus Ministry team keeps our community in pursuit of this mission through various events, trips, service opportunities, and retreats throughout the year all while maintaining an environment for each student to deepen one’s personal relationship with God.  Such events are interwoven into the day-to-day activity at school . The result of this ongoing work is visible through our students  when they talk about their faith openly and practice it with enthusiasm alongside their classmates, school leaders, faculty, and staff.

Our school campus is alive and full of activity throughout the year.  To say there is always something going on at Notre Dame High School is an understatement. From concerts and athletic events, to class trips and overnight retreats,  our students embrace the Notre Dame experience well beyond the last bell of the school day.  Each student’s unique gifts and talents are on full display every day.