For more information on ordering uniforms, please use the link below:
Quarter Zip: navy blue with the ND logo. The school-issued sweatshirt is an exception.
Blouses: Long- or short-sleeve white button-down
Skirts: Navy blue plaid winter skirt. The skirt length must be to the knee – the bottom of the skirt must touch the top of the knee when the student stands.
Slacks: Tan Khaki pants (Comparable to Flynn & O’Hara pants)
Belts: A solid navy blue, black, or brown belt must be worn with the dress slacks.
Socks: Solid gray or navy opaque tights are required from November through April.
Shoes: Shades of brown or black, solid sole and heel.
Hair: Hair must be kept clean and neat.
Quarter Zip: navy blue with the ND logo. The school-issued sweatshirt is an exception.
Shirts: Long- or short-sleeve white button-down. The shirt’s top button must be closed and the necktie properly secured around the collar.
Ties: Neckties are required from November through April.
Pants: Tan Khaki pants (Comparable to Flynn & O’Hara pants).
Belts: A solid navy blue, black, or brown leather or fabric belt must be worn.
Socks: Solid dark-colored crew socks that cover the ankle must be worn.
Shoes: ALL shoes MUST be business style – solid sole and heel, shades of brown or black
Hair: Must be off collar and not below ear lobe and moderate height. Bangs cannot cover the eyes.
Facial Hair: No facial hair will be permitted.
*Student ID: Must be worn and visible each day.
*Gym Attire: Effective January 2024 gym shorts and gym sweatpants will be required for gym class. These can be purchased at Flynn & O‘Hara. These bottoms are to be worn with any Notre Dame High School t-shirt.