Academic Honesty

Cheating/Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, copying tests, quizzes or homework, plagiarism, sending test answers or other test information, using cheat (crib) sheets/notes whether written, printed or stored in electronic or other information devices.

Cheating is a serious and immoral action. Students found cheating will have their parents called by the
teacher, will receive Saturday Morning Detentions, and will incur any academic consequences explained in
the individual teacher’s course policies and regulations that had been sent home and signed by the student
and his/her parents.

Students using electronic devices not approved by the subject teacher during a test will be held
accountable for cheating.

Students who submit written homework or classwork with identical answers will be held accountable for
cheating. “Working together” with another student(s) on an assignment does not warrant the construction
of and submission of identical answers for that assignment. Unless a teacher directs or specifies otherwise,
all work is to be done on one’s own merit.

Some incidents of cheating are even more serious such as, but not limited to, sharing test information with
another, text messaging another for answers or other test information, stealing tests or answer keys,
changing grades in grade books or computers, and manipulation of electronically graded answer sheets.

Such situations will be referred to the Administration and consequences may include, but are not limited to
detention(s), in-and/or out-of-school suspension, social/activity suspension, expulsion, and criminal

Each teacher is required to speak directly with the student and a parent prior to making a discipline
referral. Furthermore, the date and time of the parental conversation must be included on the discipline