Mary Cartier, ’08

IT Director
Photo of Mary Cartier ’08

Biographical Info

Mrs. Mary Cartier graduated with her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Mathematics with a minor in Secondary Education from the DeSales University. Her time there also included a semester of study in Rome. Upon graduation she became a mathematics instructor at Pius X High School educating 7th, 8th, and 12th graders in the subjects of Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 and Honors Calculus 1.

The following year, Mrs. Cartier wished to not only share her knowledge of Mathematics but also her faith. She joined the St. Jane’s School family for three years where she instructed 7th and 8th graders in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 and 7th grade Religion.  In 2016, she had the pleasure of joining her home parish, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Bath, PA, as a middle school instructor of Mathematics and Religion. In 2017, she became the Director of Religious Education as well at Sacred Heart Parish.

In 2019 Mrs. Cartier was honored to join the Mathematics Department at Notre Dame High School.  During her tenure at Notre Dame she has instructed students in the content area of Algebra 1 Part 1, Algebra 1 Part 2, Algebra 1 CP,  Basic Geometry, Geometry CP, Honors Algebra 2 and Algebra 3 Trigonometry.

Additionally, Mrs. Cartier served as the secretary of Juventutem Lehigh Valley, a local chapter of Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem, for seven years.  The international young adult organization works closely with the Diocese of Allentown to promote the sanctification of youth through the mass in the Extraordinary Form, lectures on Spiritual Theology and an increase of sacramental opportunities within local parishes such as additional daily masses, confessional times, and adoration opportunities. Mrs. Cartier has stepped down from her leadership role in Juventutem so she continues to advocate for the same opportunities for the sanctification of her students at Notre Dame.

Mrs. Cartier and her husband are proud graduates of Notre Dame High School Class of 2008.  They both continue to cherish the memories and friends they made during their four years of formation at NDHS.  Mrs. Cartier is happy to be home at her Alma Mater again with the sons and daughter of Notre Dame.  Always faithful, loyal, and true.

Categories: Administration
Updated 4 months ago.