
The Diocese of Allentown requires every student, regardless of religious affiliation, to attend at least one retreat per year.

NDHS provides many opportunities to assist in fulfilling the Diocesan retreat requirement.  Students are not limited to attending only one retreat. These retreats are offered to enrich our children spiritually. Ideally students would attend all retreats offered to them. Information regarding dates and permission slips will be given to your student through their Theology class, announcements made in school, emails sent to students and home to families.

Retreat Opportunities:

  • Kairos retreat (available for Seniors to attend twice a year, once in the Spring and Fall.)
  • Shrine retreats
  • March for Life
  • All girls retreat
  • All boys retreat
  • Diocesan retreat (every 3 years)
  • In school 40 hours (must be present for both days)

All kids should use the online service hour database. The below form is used to upload into the system. Students should not be turning in papers to Campus Ministry.

Service Hours Form **This can be uploaded as a pdf to the online x2vol service hour system**

2024-2025 service hour form

Service Hours Volunteer Opportunities


-Sacred Heart Church Picnic (July 12th and 13th)

-Holy Family Parish Festival: (7/26-7/29)
-St. Thomas More Vacation Bible Camp (7/8-7/12)
-iCan Bike camp (5 day camp to teach kids with disabilities) 
July 22-26
-Monocacy Farm Project needs volunteers: See link


2024-2025 Service Hours Opportunity Links:

Other ideas:

Volunteer at your church, local library, animal shelter, nursing home, camps.

***Hours can not be done for a PRIVATE Business. They must be done for a non-profit***

Community Service (Service Hours)

Community service is integral to the mission of Notre Dame High School, Inc. and should make visible the Gospel message of Jesus Christ reflected in the Corporal Works of Mercy. (Please read to understand the importance of these hours)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church sees service in terms of virtue, which in paragraph 1803 describes as “A virtue is an habitual and firm disposition to do the good. It allows the person not only to perform good acts, but to give the best of himself/herself. The virtuous person tends toward the good with all his/her sensory and spiritual powers; he/she pursues the good and chooses it in concrete actions.”

Approved service work:

  • All hours will be performed for non-profit charitable organization that can include your school, parish, Catholic and non-Catholic charitable organizations. All service should support the mission of the Catholic Church.  Please see Mrs. Hodgskin with any questions.
  • Community Service must be completed for 3 different organizations
  • A minimum of 5 hours must be completed for a religious organization. Hours for Notre Dame High School are not considered a religious organization.   (examples are: Volunteer at a church, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, St. Francis Retreat house, a church festival, Religious Ed program, or bible camp,) Please get approval before completing these hours if unsure of approval.
  • A maximum of 5 hours will be given for sports NO MORE. All other community service needs to be completed for a non profit. Not a private business or for families or friends. When serving your community please think about the following ideas:Serve food at a local homeless shelterAltar serve for your churchSing in your church choirClean your churchSt. Vincent de Paul Society

    Visit a local veterans service organization

    Visit with those at the local senior center

    Volunteer at a local summer camp as a counselor or activities coordinator

    Volunteer to teach a local art class to children, seniors, or veterans

    Serve at a national park by leading hikes, cleaning up the parks, or hosting activities

    Volunteer at your local library by sorting books, swiping cards, or helping people find books

    Volunteer at your local animal shelter

    Catholic Charities (Allentown)

    Lily’s Hope Foundation

    Camels Hump Farm

  • No form of payment can be accepted for service hours
  • No service can be performed for a business unless it is a non profit
  • No service can be performed for personal family members


Community service hours are an integral piece of a student’s education at Notre Dame High School. Each year the students will complete 20 hours of community service.   Hours must be completed by the end of the third marking period. Hours completed over the summer must be turned in to the Campus Ministry Office by September 30th.  Service forms must be turned in within one calendar month after completion of service. No service hours will be credited after one calendar month. In that regard, students who neglect to complete their service hours and submit them on line by the deadlines will be put on social suspension until the required hours have been submitted. This means that they are not permitted to participate in sports, clubs, dances (including Prom), or participate in other extracurricular activities through the school until the hours are completed.  In addition, students may not receive their report cards at the end of the year, register for classes for the following year and seniors may not graduate.

Again Campus Ministry has the right to deny any hours submitted if they do not fall within the guidelines mentioned above.