SENIOR HEALTH: Senior year, Senior Health Class is SO IMPORTANT as students are getting ready to make their way as independent graduates ready to make their very own health WISE choices as they are gearing up to go to college! This class will teach students those imperative healthful values that should help them to make responsible decisions and enable their achievement of life-long health success!

Course Description: Students will gain the opportunity to practice using the learned healthy decision-making skills in various peer pressure classroom skits.  Students will learns ways to improve their current health status; these skills include self-management, relationship management, stress management, communication, decision making, goal setting and predominantly DRUGS AND ALCOHOL — JUST SAY NO! The goal of this course is for students to develop the skills necessary to live healthy, active lives, and to empower students to use the skills they have gained to make informed decisions that will enhance the quality of their personal, family, and community life.

 Health Education Standards:
1. Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain personal health.
2. Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
3. Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

Curriculum Focus:
DRUGS-ALCOHOL-TOBACCO-VAPING, Growth and Development, Family/Social Health and Relationships and touch on the topics that were mentioned above also in the course description.
Current Health topics such as the opioid epidemic and societal health will be addressed as well.


EACH ASSIGNMENT, TEST, QUIZ, HOMEWORK or PROJECT carries a specific point value. Student tries their BEST on every assignment and points will be awarded according to meeting the criteria of the assignment using a scoring rubric.

It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work he/she missed and make it up within a reasonable amount of time.  For example, if a student was sick for an entire week, that student would have 1 week to make up the missed work with no late point deductions.  For one day absent, the student would have one extra day to make up the work, etc.

Missed tests/quizzes: It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a make-up time. Students must make up a missed test or quiz within 2 days of returning to school.

Enrichment- Homework assignments, projects, class assignments, other assigned activities.
Late Project: Any project handed in after initial collection = 20% off per day.
Class Participation- Class discussion, dialogue, Q & A, and active involvement in group activities will be graded.
Punctuality will be part of this grade. Be on time, be here physically, be here mentally.


1. Be prepared
2. Show your best effort
3. Show respect for others in class
4. Be engaged



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