Computer Applications – New Normal Days

Hello Friends!  How are you?  I miss seeing you already!  Praying that you and your families are well!  I’m writing here to assist you in finding your “new normal” in these uncertain times.  Always remember that there have always been difficult times in history and we have seen ourselves through….it’s these times that help define us as we decide how we are going to respond to the challenges thrown at us.  So, dig deep and look toward the future!

By now, you are learning the amazing benefits and considerable difficulties of “working from home” my business professional!  Some of the great things about being home for work is that you don’t have the commute (regardless of how far you drive), the unnecessary expenses (lunch, gas, etc.), and you get to set your own schedule…….Some of the difficult things about being home for work include the fact that there is no one standing over you telling you to ‘get it in gear’, to stay on a schedule, and no socialization.  You can get ‘cabin fever’ and find yourself depressed and uninspired.

So, how can we create a good balance for at-home work — for school, for job, for your sanity!   A few items I’ve gleaned over the years are as follows:

(1) Make a schedule — I try to make a schedule that includes work, play, learning, family, exercise, and spirituality.  It is super easy to fall into watching tv all day, playing on game consoles, or flipping through social media — but it is not healthy or productive……Make the most of this hiatus from life as we know it….Make a daily or weekly schedule and stick to it….come out of this better than you went into it if possible!

(2) Designate your workspace — Find one place where you can keep your stuff that is dedicated and clutter-free.  You should be able to go back and forth between things and always return to “your space”….at the end of the dining room table (like mine) or in your room or in the family office or wherever.

(3) Take breaks — get out and go for a walk — play with the dog — workout hard — whatever it is for you to be physically healthy, burn excess energy, and get some endorphins!

(4) Stay social — and not just on the phone — Talk to your family…..pick a time to play cards, games, do puzzles, make a meal together, bake, etc.  Talk to your friends…might be on Snap or FaceTime, but do it daily (but not all day).

(5) Spirituality — don’t forget to pray, meditate, journal, or do whatever it is you do to help yourself and the greater good in the universe!

(6) Self-care — Get up each day and get dressed…..shower, brush your teeth, do your hair, put on fresh clothes…..sounds downright obvious, but working from home can make you fall into a pattern where you sit around in your pj’s not showering for days…..not healthy…….taking pride in your appearance should be for YOU first… get in the habit of getting up and starting your day for YOU with attention to grooming….not to mention, it helps you psychologically!

OK — so now that you are adapting to the rigors of working from home, let’s address the “elephant in the room”


There’s a ton of info out there…..I’d encourage you to get your information from reliable sources (I’ve listed a few)…..and try not to saturate yourself with constant Coronavirus tv watching…..It’s frightening and challenging, but we can prepare and persevere!

The following links may be helpful to you in keeping current with COVID-19:


(1) If you owe any work, email it to me for your grade.  Everyone should have submitted your formal letter, website, trifold brochure, Google sheets project, etc.

(2) If you want to entertain yourself with Computer Applications activities, here are some thoughts….

TV –> Watch the third installment of our Bill Gates documentary “Inside Bill’s Brain”

Movies –> Watch “Steve Jobs” (the one with Michael Fassbender is best imo)

Magazines –>

Books –> Harvard Business Review always has good business content — check out “Artificial Intelligence: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review”

Job / College prep — You can always do your Resume on Naviance (“about me” section) or create a LinkeIn profile (with parental permission)…..or look at colleges on line……study for the SAT/ACT… is the limit!

There are even Ivy League courses you can take at home for FREE

Finally, I’m here if you need me — email anytime day or night — would love to hear from you!  One of your peers reached out to tell me he got into college — others just ‘touch base’ — Regardless, be kind to your families and yourself — taking it one day at a time!