a few announcements

Hi everyone. I hope this finds you well and that you and your families are as safe and healthy as can be.

I Just wanted to touch base regarding a few things

  1. I  am currently finishing grading anything from the last week we were together and will be entering those shortly.  For the most part, missing work is either homework packets/workbooks or duolingo assignments. If you did not turn in your homework, you can either scan it or take picture/screenshot of the work to me. A few of you have been in touch regarding making up tests.
  2. I will be setting up google classroom today  (Wednesday)for us to use with our online learning. YOu should be getting  an invitation to our classroom once I set it up. It will go to your school email but I will send you the codes via remind in case you don’t get the invite.
  3. I will also be making a google form for you to fill out so I know who has their books, etc so I can take this in to consideration when planning.

We will all be in this together. It will be a learning experience for us all.  Online learning for language learning creates some difficulties but also gives us some new opportunities as well so let’s  enter this with an open mind and reach out if you have questions.